Time: February 4th, 10 a.mLocation: ZOOM meeting (contact zhangzhou333@zju.edu.cn)Speaker: Dr.Jing Zhicheng, Southern University of Science and TechnologyBrief Introduction: Jing Zhicheng,2000, Bachelor's degree, Peking University.2003, Master's degree, Peking University.2010, PhD, Yale University.2010-2013, Postdoctor, University of Chicago.2018, Assistan...
Lecture: Unsupervised learning applications to source characteristics analysis
Time: February 22th 2021, 9:00 p.m.Location: ZOOM meeting (contact zhangzhou333@zju.edu.cn)Speaker: Dr.Li ZefengBrief introducation: Li Zefeng, researcher, University of Science and Technology of China.2012, Bachelor's degree, University of Science and Technology of China.2017, PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology.2017-2020, Postdoctoral research, California Institute of ...
Time: February 18th, 9 p.mLocation: ZOOM meeting(contact zhangzhou333@zju.edu.cn)Speaker: Dr.Sune NielsenBrief introducatin:Sune Nielsen1999, Bachelor's degree, University of Copenhagen.2001, Master's degree, University of Copenhagen.2005, PhD,ETH Zurich, Switzerland.2006-2011, Postdoctoral research, Oxford University.2011-, research assistant, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.